About me: Hi, I'm Sam and I go by, "|A|hx_Kill3r,
" a pseudonym used in...Hi, I'm Sam and I go by, "|A|hx_Kill3r,
" a pseudonym used in my field of musics as a writer, composer, producer, mixer, and singer. I grew up on music as a wide dyanmic and accoridinlgly have a sizable knowledge. Hit me up if you wanna talMore »
follow me on youtube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCqFXimYe6ZsU0kMYC7WTvig
on Facebook : www.facebook.com/pages/Axel-Mind/…106268189?ref=hl
and on twitter : twitter.com/AxelMind98
We are the future of "Musical Science," Its been proven that When two or more people make music together the brain connects and the ultimate creativity evolves! Enjoy!